Applicants will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Favorable Distance from Other Seating Areas (1 = not favorable | 5 = very favorable)
Support from businesses on the same block / businesses most affected by a change in parking availability (1 = nearby businesses are not supportive | 5 = businesses are very supportive)
Visual Appearance of Business Applicant (1 = Business facade is in poor condition, poorly represents the town | 5 = Business facade is well maintained, represents town well)
Business Products/Services are Compatible with Parklet Use (1 = Business Products / Services are not a good match with public seating | 5 = Business Products / Services are excellent match with public seating)
Experience with Caring for Outdoor Areas (1 = Reported problems, Obvious Issues | 3 = No experience, but willingness is expressed | 5 = Demonstrated experience at High quality, no issues w/ city or public)
Site Conditions are Conducive to Placement (1 = Unlevel surface, insufficient parking, and/or obstructions in the right-of-way | 5 = Level surface, underutilized parking and/or clear ingress/egress)